Release the internal personnel from time-consuming and tedious tasks.
24-hour TAT time and 99% accuracy in payment posting ensure timeliness.
While ERAs can be obtained straight from the programmed, paper EOBs can be scanned and mailed.
Using the secure ID and password provided through the remote desktop connection, payment information is posted into the practice management application.
System notes for denial follow up provide a quick explanation of denial codes and unique cases.
If there is a balance after applying the patient's obligation, the remainder may be billed to a secondary or tertiary payer.
The quality assurance team totals the date's total payment information and verifies that all the data are exact and 100% accurate.
Client is informed of the change before printed EOBs are monitored destroyed or torn up
After submission, claims receive an additional level by our clearinghouse. All payments will be sent directly to practice location. We recommend registering with insurance